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Grand Rapids Community Foundation’s support aimed at making GR more welcoming for immigrants and refugees

The City of Grand Rapids is one of 13 communities across the U.S. receiving a Gateways for Growth award to increase inclusiveness for immigrants and refugees.

The City of Grand Rapids is one of 13 communities across the U.S. receiving a Gateways for Growth award to increase inclusiveness for immigrants and refugees.

As a result, Grand Rapids is receiving technical assistance and a matching grant of $12,500 from New American Economy and Welcoming America to create a Welcoming Plan Task Force and develop a strategic plan to integrate immigrants, foster economic growth and promote inclusion for all residents.

Grand Rapids Community Foundation (GRCF) has provided $10,000 in matching funds to support this work.

The community foundation shared on social media that this is a continuation of their ongoing efforts in this area.

“Last year we granted funds to Samaritas (Michigan’s largest refugee resettlement agency) to support the engagement of the broader Grand Rapids community on the economic impact of immigrants and refugees as a catalyst to make our community more welcoming and diverse,” GRCF shared.

The community foundation is a member of the city’s new Welcoming Plan Task Force which launched at the end of January.

The city shared that Grand Rapids was awarded this grant “because of the city’s demonstrated commitment to developing and implementing concrete strategies that ensure all residents have access to the tools and support they need to succeed and build healthy, welcoming communities. Plus, the city was highlighted as a place where immigrants are already making local economic and communal contributions.”

The latest data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows 19,000 immigrants live in Grand Rapids, that’s about 10.5 percent of the total population. In Kent County, 8 percent of the total county population consists of New Americans.

The top five countries of origin for immigrants living in Kent County are Mexico, Guatemala, Vietnam, Bosnia and Canada.